Choosing which direction to take after leaving school is a big decision.
We’re here to support our students and make sure they know about all the options open to them. Our curriculum focusses on careers, and we provide our students with meaningful career-related opportunities and activities throughout their time with us.
Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) is the Scottish Government’s Youth Employment strategy to better prepare young people for the world of work. Skills Development Scotland is a significant partner in supporting and aligning to this mission working with DYW Regional Employer Groups across Scotland to connect employers and education for the benefit of young people.
Developing the Young Workforce
Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) is the Scottish Government’s Youth Employment strategy to better prepare young people for the world of work.
The employer-led Developing the Young Workforce Regional Groups set up across Scotland are connecting employers with education.
Our work supports the delivery of the Young Person’s Guarantee, you can find more information here or connect with your Regional DYW Group to discuss how you can get involved.
We are here to empower young people; to support them as they learn new skills, overcome obstacles, and build confidence and resilience. We are here for the challenges, the frustrations, the triumphs and the laughter. We are here because we believe in youth without limits.
This site has useful videos, demonstrating how to complete online applications for many top companies in the UK, as well as providing detailed information on salaries and interviews. Applications can be printed directly from this site.
If you are 16 or 17 you’ll start your Army training at the Army Foundation College in Harrogate. 98% of soldiers enrol on an apprenticeship making the Army one of the largest apprenticeship programmes in the UK.
This organisation works with key partners on a range of initiatives that help young people on their journey towards getting a job. Every young person should have the chance to embrace exciting new opportunities, they help 11 to 30 year olds who are unemployed or struggling at school to transform their lives.