We’re happy to consider referrals and admission requests directly from parents, carers, and Local Authorities. Options Autism and the wider Outcomes First Group have a range of schools and services, and we can support you in identifying the most appropriate provision for your child.
Local Authorities
If you would like to make a referral for a young person from your Local Authority, please contact our Admissions Manager Iain Owens at iain.owens@ofgl.co.uk or on 01848 331352 (Closeburn) and 01387 811 995 (Maben) or use the contact us button below.
Parents & Carers
The process of moving a child from one school to another can seem complex, so we have tried to make this as easy as possible for parents by creating a simple flow chart here > Placing Process (Holistic)
The process starts with an informal discussion with our Admissions Manager. During this call, we will ask you about your child’s needs and give you information about our services.
If we feel we may be an appropriate provision for your child, we will invite you to visit. This visit will enable you to experience the school environment and meet some of our children, young people and staff. If we are not a suitable provision, we will support you by signposting you to alternative services which are more appropriate for the additional support needs of your child.
Following your visit, if you feel that we are the right school for your child, we will provide you with an offer letter which should be included as part of your Placing Request to your Local Authority.
We will also signpost you to other support, including Enquire, who can detail your child’s rights, information about how to ask for support, and several advocacy groups who can offer you support. We will also signpost you to Govan Law Centre which specialises in Child Education and Disability Legislation.
If you’d like to make a referral, or simply want to know more information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can contact our Admissions Manager at iain.owens@ofgl.co.uk or on 07795 153159 for more information.
Contact Us