Our Vision
That every child and young person should be given the opportunity to access a highly relevant education, which enables them to reach their full potential and gain the skills and confidence to embrace the world in which we live.
Our Values
We believe in education as a driver for personal development and social improvement. We value effective teaching, commitment to learning and sharing of good practice. We are committed to inclusivity, honesty, compassion and respect for others in everything we do.
Our Aims
To meet the full range of needs that individual learners may have in an inclusive and therapeutic environment. This is essential to meet their social, emotional and health needs, in addition to learning needs. In order to achieve this, our inclusive approach to learning integrates the skills of both teaching staff and care staff, together with a wider team of partners from the community. We aim:
• To ensure a broad, balanced and flexible curriculum that provides learners with appropriate learning opportunities and experiences.
• To provide learning and teaching experiences, which enable learners to enjoy their education and foster positive attitudes towards learning.
• To encourage all learners to realise their potential in both the formal and wider curriculum through the promotion and recognition of both individual achievement and collective effort.
• To provide support for the full range of each learner’s complex and additional support needs.
• To prepare learners for responsible citizenship by promoting the development of values, beliefs and attitudes compatible with living in a democratic, inclusive and multicultural world.
• To provide a welcoming, safe, structured and caring environment within which all members of the school are valued and supported.
• To ensure that all members of the school experience a calm, positive and orderly environment that promotes good behaviour, self-discipline, respect for self and others and for property.
• To provide and promote opportunities for all young people to develop positive and healthy lifestyles.
• To provide a unified, inclusive approach to learning by both teachers and care staff, which can support young people in gaining the confidence to achieve again and improve their chances in gaining and maintaining positive destinations.